Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Johnson's Journal November 19, 2013

This past week, we have focused on computing with decimals in math.  We worked with adding, subtracting, and multiplying and then applied our skills to several problem solving assignments. This week we will focus on dividing with decimals.  I feel confident that the sixth graders understand how to do the computations, but careless errors have been an issue.  These careless errors have definitely impacted the grades students earned on their assignments. We also talked about the importance of not letting work go until the last minute and finishing strong on assignments.

Several students have talked to me about their need for more practice to in order to build their confidence and others have asked me how they could improve their grades.  On Tuesday, I will give each student a copy of their grade report to give them an idea of their current standing in math.  Those students who would like to do an extra credit assignment which would boost their grade will be invited to meet with me at noon. We will do a quick review before I give them the extra credit assignment which will be due on Friday. These extra points will be figured into their grade before mid-term reports are mailed out after Thanksgiving break.

Please remember you can track your student's progress on Campus.  If you have any questions about your child's progress please be sure to contact me.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Johnson's Journal November 11, 2013

The students in Mrs.Suntken's homeroom have earned the right to bring a snack tomorrow (Tuesday) to eat during math class. Congratulations!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Johnson's Journal November 10, 2013

I have just finished reading all the dialogues your sixth graders wrote about life at Border Cave.  I didn't realize there were so many talented, creative writers in this class!  They were a pleasure to read and showed that the students have a good understanding of what life was like 70,000 years ago at Border Cave.  One set of dialogues was compiled into a book for all to enjoy in the classroom, and the other set was copied  so that each sixth grader and their family can have a set of the dialogues to enjoy at home.

I have asked the sixth graders to put their writing talents to use again.  This time they are writing an essay about how technology has changed from the Old Stone Age to 2013.  Your child should be asking you to help in the edit and revising process tomorrow (Monday). Final copies are to be typed or written in cursive using blue or black ink. Due dates are Tuesday for 6-2 and Wednesday for 6-1 (I hope I didn't switch those dates around!!)

Our math work this week will continue to focus on adding, subtracting and multiplying with decimals.  A problem solving assignment will be given on Monday which is due on Thursday.  Tuesday we will be focusing on making corrections to a multiplication assignment.  Wednesday's assignment requires the students to apply the skills they've learned about multiplying with decimals to story problems. Thursday and Friday we will focus on assignments where all three operations will appear on the same assignment.  This gets a bit dicey since there are different rules for setting up addition and subtraction problems than multiplication problems and then you have to think about which rule should be used for placing the decimal point in the answer.  I am confident the sixth graders can handle the challenge!

Just a reminder that there will be no classes next Monday due to teacher inservice!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Johnson's Journal November 1, 2013

It's hard to believe that October is already behind us.  Once again, the sixth graders reached their goal of earning 1700 Dojos as a class and as a reward they have chosen to Silly String me and Mrs. Suntken on Tuesday.  We will each provide one can of Silly String but have consented to the kids can bringing in their own can if they want to add to the mess.  The things we will agree to encourage positive behavior! They also chose their individual prizes that they earned today.

On Monday, we will spend the math period reviewing decimal concepts such as comparing and ordering, rounding, and estimating answers.  They will then be assigned a take home quiz which is due Tuesday.  The rest of the week we will work with computing with decimals.  We will start with adding and subtracting and move on to multiplication by Thursday.  There will be an assignment each night this week.  Check planners for the specific assignment.  These concepts are not hard but carelessness could be an issue!

I am very excited to read the final dialogues crafted by the sixth graders demonstrating their understanding of what life was like at Border Cave during the Old Stone Age.  We will publish two--one will be a handwritten copy done in ink and finished off with an illustration (due Tuesday) and one will be done on the word processor.  Both sets will be published and bound as books for all to enjoy!

Don't forget that picture retakes are on Tuesday.  If your child did not have his/her picture taken in October they need to have a picture taken so they will be included on the class composite.  If your child's first pictures didn't turn out well and you want to have them retaken, please be sure to send the original package with your child on Monday.  Also, be sure to have them remind me that they need to have their picture taken!

Have an enjoyable weekend!